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CPR Investing

15237 S 19th Way


Phoenix, AZ 85048



602 616 2200



480 237 7954




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Prudent Advice

Life is full of surprises. We try to avoid them. Rely on our professional consultants to provide you with sound financial advice that won't leave you scratching your head. We'll explain your options in uncomplicated terms.


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Stay Current

We keep you informed of news that may affect your investments, as well as economic information from a variety of sources. 

Tax-Deferred Growth 

We offer several tax-deferred accounts.  All your dividends, interest and capital gains are automatically reinvested and compound tax-free until you withdraw your  money allowing your money to grow faster. 

  • More dollars working for you  Since all your earnings, both divdends and realized capital gains, are reinvested without any going to pay taxes, you have significantly more dollars working for you each year.
  • More assets and income available to you later  Over time, tax-deferred growth enables you to accumulate significantly more assets, providing you with more spendable income in the future when you need it.  However, you should be aware that, as is the case with all tax-favored retirement plans, the IRS generally imposes a 10% tax penalty on earnings withdrawn before you reach 59 1/2.  

Contact us if you would like more information on Tax-Deferred accounts

Are Pensions a Safe Bet?

Many people who are saving for retirement are faced with deciding between certified private mutual funds, company 401K and bank savings plans. Which product is best for you depends on a variety of factors and your personal willingness to take on risk.


We would be happy to discuss with you the various retirement options available to you.

New Online Presence

Use our website to familiarize yourself with the wide range of full-service investment services we offer. Schedule an appointment to put your money in action using our secure contact form.

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